Fundraising for a second radiotherapy lodge

Our first radiotherapy lodge is located 1 km from the Uganda Cancer Institute. It can house up to 18 patients comfortably in bunk beds. In the past 6 months, we have consistently had over 20 patients require lodging, meaning some of our patients sleep on the floor.

We are now in need of a second property to provide housing for women during their cancer treatments. Patients who have no place to stay sometimes sleep outside on the hospital grounds which is far from ideal.

Ndinawe Kateera, director of operations for Road to Care, has been on the lookout for a suitable second property for months. This complex located 2.5 km from the Uganda Cancer Institute has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a cooking area and a large communal gathering room and is available for purchase. This is one of several potential properties that we are considering.

We are actively trying to raise $180,000 CAD to acquire a second property to adequately house the current number of Road to Care patients undergoing cancer treatment.


Room for One More Fundraiser


Gifts from a local church